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2016 Featured Videos

Comparative Religion in Compulsory Education

Host: James Terrell
Guests: Craig Bowman, teacher & Rocky Mountain News columnist and James Joy, ACLU director
Music: Gary Brudos


Prayer and Worship

Host Terry Kruger discusses the value of prayer and worship with guests Rev. Bill Scheeley (American Baptist), Annette Crawford (reader of The Urantia Book, the Upanishads and the Bible), and Forrest Whitman (Unitarian Universalist)
Music: Universe Crew


The Basis of Interfaith

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guests Ezzard McNair--Rocky Mountain Network, Steve Rohrbach--Interfaith Organizer, Darrell Harr--Science of Spirituality and Paul Burke--Interfaith Coordinator
Music: Enoch & the Sethites


Host Jay Lindsay and guests Morgan Stott--High Priestess of Morning Star Circle, Clinton Moreland--Druidic Initiate, D. J. Kirby--Ceremonial Magician/Wicca and Vance George Reed--Religious Humanist discuss paganism.

Religious Terminology

Host James Terrell discusses the words various religions use with guests Sudarshan Dasa (ISKCON), Rev. Bill Scheeley (American Baptist), and Denver Pearson (reader of the Urantia Book)
Music: Gary Brudos

Morals and Ethics

Host James Terrell discusses morals and ethics with guests Terry Kruger (reader of The Urantia Book), Vance George Reed (American Humanist Association) and Rev.Bill Scheeley (American Baptist)
Music: Gary Brudos

A Course In Miracles

Host Marvin Gawryn interviews A Course In Miracles readers: Linda Harms, Bob Woods, Anna Richie and John Kinneman
Music: Pamela Hughes

The Efficay of Prayer

Hosts Terry Kruger and Vance George Reed interview guests Denver Pearson, Paula Thompson and Rev. Bill Scheeley on the topic of prayer and its value.
Music: Star Edwards

Addicted to Religion

Hosts: Andre Radatus and Rev. Bill Scheeley discussion religious addiction with guests: Rev. Reo Leslie (American Baptist), Sam Staubach (AA Counselor) and Kelly Cole, ex-religionist.
Music: Star Edwards

Spirituality and the Poor

Host Stephen Fassler leads a discussion about the poor with guests Dan Sparkman (American Baptist), Paula Thompson (reader of the Urantia Book) and Guru Dasa (ISKCON).
Music: L. Star Edwards

The Phenomenon of Reincarnation

Host James Terrell discusses reincarnation with guests Damaris Caldwell, Pat Hayes and Carrie Hanf-Oliver
Music: Cris Seaborn


Host James Terrell discusses Christianity with guests Pat Miller, Rev. Mel Taylor, and Anna Maria Larsen
Music: Enoch & the Sethites


Host James Terrell discusses atheism with guests Dan Anderson, John Westwater, Peter Wernick and Robert Bushnell
Music: Cris Seaborn

Spirituality and the Arts

Host James Terrell discusses how artists integrate their art into their spiritual life, or their spirituality into their art, with guests Marilyn Megentity (owner of the Mercury Cafe in Denver), Douglas Graham (co-owner of the Turner Museum in Denver), Lee Bartley (keyboardist for the band Images), and Terry Kruger (Boulder police artist and painter).
Music: Images


Hosts James Terrell & Terry Kruger interview guests Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association, Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, and Sarvadrik--ISKCON
Music: Universe Crew

Religion and the 1st Amendment

Host Andre Radatus discusses the First Amendment and religion with guests Rev. Bill Scheeley (American Baptist), Vance George Reed (American Humanist Association) and Anuttama Dasa (ISKCON}
Music: Universe Crew

Marriage and Relationships

Host James Terrell interviews guests: Mel Taylor--American Baptist, George Stump--Urantia Book Reader and counselor, Anuttama Dasa--ISKON, and Linda Graham--co-director of the Turner Art Museum
Music: L. Star Adams


Host James Terrell interviews guests Siri Dharma--Sikh, Star Edwards--Musician and Stan Hartman--reader of The Urantia Book
Music: Kent Richardson

Media and Spirituality

Host Andre Radatus interviews guests Carol McMullam-Shockness--Producer of Cam Hours, Endale Getahun--Producer of ECTV, and Johnnie Johnson--Producer of Innervision
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Signs of a Spiritual Springtime

Host Terry Kruger interviews guests: JoAnn Brummett--reader of The Urantia Book, Steve McIntosh--author and lawyer, and Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist
Music: Star Edwards


Host: James Terrell interviews guests Dr. Mel Taylor--American Baptist, Michael Hanna--reader of the Urantia Book, and Sudarshan Dasa--ISKCON
Music: Star Edwards

A Course In Miracles and The Urantia Book

Host James Terrell interviews A Course In Miracles readers who also read The Urantia Book. Guests: Shoshone, Steve Zabielsky, Linda Graham and Errol Strider
Music: Cris Seaborn

Serving Successfully

Host Andre Radatus interviews guests: Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, and readers of the Urantia Book: Steve Rohrbach, Paula Thompson and Jill Hull
Music: Star Edwards

The Nature of Love

Host Andre Radatus interviews guests Denver Pearson--musician and Julio Edwards-- Spiritual Spectrum producer and creator
Music: Universe Crew


Host James Terrell interviews Theosophists Dick Slusser, Beverly Noia, Terri Todd and Marty Lyman
Music: Cris Seaborn

Sikh Dharma

Host Marvin Gawryn discusses the Sikh religion with two native born Indian Sikhs and two American convert Sikhs. Guests: Siri Dharma, Pret Virdi, Jai Jeet Sangeet Kaurkhalsa, and Amrik Singh Sikand
Music: Joginder Virdi

Capital Punishment

Host Vance Reed interviews guests Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, Julio Edwards-Spiritual Spectrum producer, David Lane--attorney, and Courtney Neumann--American Humanist Association
Music: Universe Crew

Environmental Spirituality

Hosts James Terrell & Terry Kruger interview guests Rohini Sutra--ISKCON, Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, and Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association.
Music: Universe Crew

The Fatherhood of God

Host Terry Kruger interviews guests Hal Katzen--reader of The Urantia Book, Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, and Nidra Dasa--ISKCON
Music: Universe Crew

Concepts of Heaven

Host James Terrell discusses beliefs about Heaven with guests Chris Lepine--Urantia Book reader, Dwayne Troxell--Baha'i, and Guru Dasa--ISKON.
Music: Cris Seaborn

Freedom from Religion

Hosts Terry Kruger & Rod Pullman talk with guests from the Freedom from Religion Foundation Lee Whitfield, Deana Frank, and Bob Fenn, and Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association.
Music: Universe Crew


The Importance of Studying the World's Scriptures

Host James Terrell interviews guests Sarvadrik--ISKCON, Eric Kalland--American Baptist, and Annette Crawford--student of the Urantia Book.
Music: Phil Byers

The Significance of Dreams

Host Terry Kruger discusses dreams with guests Don Erpelding--reader of the Urantia Book, Star Edwards--musician and dream student, and Lynn Maiden.
Music: Universe Crew


Science and Religion

Host James Terrell discusses science and relgion with guests Rollin Wilkins, M.D., Humanist Vance George Reed, and Urantia Book Reader Tim Hobbs.
Music: Universe Crew

Personal and Epochal Revelation

Host James Terrell explores revelation with guests Mary Jo Garascia--reader of the Urantia Book, Sudarshan Dasa--ISKON, and Shoshone--reader of the Urantia Book.
Music: Kent Richardson

Labeling Religionists

Host James Terrell discusses labels we put on religionists with guests Anuttama Dasa--ISKCON, Sam Bates--American Baptist, and Paula Thompson--Urantia Book reader.
Music: Phil Byers


Interfaith Visions

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guests Rev. Lucia Guzman--Director Council of Churches, Dr. Stan Adamson--President of Interfaith Council of Boulder, and Steve Rohrbach--Interfaith Facilitator
Music: Enoch & the Sethites


Hosts James Terrell & Terry Kruger interview guests Craig Bowman--Rocky Mountain News columnist & educator, Anuttama Dasa--ISKCON and Annette Crawford--reader of The Urantia Book
Music: Star Edwards

Christian Contemplative Movement

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guests John Congdon--Attorney and Volunteer Staff at Contemplative Outreach of Colorado, Steven Hatch, Pastor--Christian Contemplative Fellowship, Bernadette Teasdale--Coordinator of COC and Sharon Bartels--Junior High School Teacher
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Into the Third Epoch

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guest Dr. L. Robert Keck, author of Sacred Eyes
Camera: Star Edwards, Jim Kenney
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Religion in the Press

Host James Terrell interviews guests: Mel Taylor--American Baptist, Rukmini Devedase--ISKCON, and Craig Bowman, Rocky Mountain News columnist and teacher
Music: Gary Brudos

God, the Evolving Child

Host Andre Radatus interviews guests Jim Sharon--psychologist, Steve Rohrback--Event Organizer, Julio Edwards--Spiritual Spectrum Producer, and Sam Staubach--counselor
Music: Star Edwards

Non-Theistic Religion

Hosts Andre Radatus & Vance George Reed interview guests Eva Wong--Taoist, Alex Halpern--Buddhist, and John Avery--American Humanist Association
Music: Universe Crew

Social Over-Correctness

Host Vance George Reed interviews guests Lew Dunlap--American Humanist Association, Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, and Julio Edwards--Spiritual Spectrum Producer
Music: Universe Crew

The Sabbath

Hosts Terry Kruger & Bill Scheeley discuss Saturday worship with guests Auggie Winner--Seventh Day Adventist, Tom Warner--Seventh Day Baptist, and Don Jacobson--Lawyer.
Music: Star Edwards


Philosophy andReligion

Hosts: James Terrell & Julio Edwards
Guests: Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association and Rob Manzinger--American Baptist
Music: Universe Crew

Unitarian Universalists

Guests Forrest Whitman, Nancy Bale, Diana Clark and Martha Griffith explore their experience with host James Terrell
Music: Cris Seaborn

Life After Death

Explore the afterlife with guests Eric Kalland of the American Baptists, Anuttama Dasa of ISKON, and Steve Rohrbach, a reader of the Urantia Book. Host is James Terrell
Music: Universe Crew

Theosophy, Hare Krishna & Urantia

Host James Terrell interviews guests Christilyn Biek--Reader of The Urantia Book, Anuttama Dasa--ISKCON, and Beverly Noia--Theosophist
Music: Cris Seaborn

Hare Krishna

Host John Roper interviews four devotees from the Denver Krishna Temple. Guests include: Sarvadrik, Radha, Gauda Chandra and Shankar Pandit
Music: A.C. Bhaktivendanta Swami

What Is this World Coming To?

What Is this World Coming To?
A monologue written by and featuring James Terrell
Music: Star Edwards

Huston Smith, His Life

Host Jay Lindsay and co-hosts: Laura and Drew Lindsay interview author Huston Smith.on his life.
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Spirituality in the Scriptures

Host James Terrell interviews guests Suka Deva-ISKON, Annette Crawford-reader of the Urantia Book, and Dan Sparkman-American Baptist minister.
Music: Gary Brudos

Spirit Quest

Host Jay Lindsay interviews Dr. Elizabeth S. Ross, author of Rich With Life and publisher of Spirit Quest
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Religious Science

Host: Marvin Gawryn interviews guests: Fred Vogt, Wallace Duke, Mary Ann Trifaro and Patty Lucas
Music: Cris Seaborn

Origin of the Scriptures

Panel discusses how various scriptures came to be.
Host:James Terrell interviews guests Dr. Bill Scheeley-American Baptist, John Stevens-reader of the Urantia Book, and Nidra Dasa-ISKCON. Music: Gary Brudos

Spiritual Friendships

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guests Lori Bowlan, Alan Goodman, Stephen Hatch and Susan Meyers
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

The Urantia Book I

Host Marvin Gawryn discusses the Urantia Book with guests Rick Tippett, Christilyn Biek, Lew Meyer and John Roper. Music: Enoch & the Sethites
This was the innaugaral show for Spiritual Spectrum, recorded in 1986.

No Other Name

Guests Jill Hull, Lawrence Wollersheim, Dr. Bill Sheeley, and Julio Edwards (producer) discuss the book titled No Other Name by Paul F. Knitter. with host: Andre Radatus


Violence and Religion

Host Vance George Reed interviews guests Richard Dodge--Baha'i Faith, Jo Roll--American Baptist and Craig Bowman--Rocky Mountain News Columnist and Teacher on the topic of violence and religion. Music: Universe Crew

Naturalistic Humanism

Discussion about Naturalistic Humanism with guests Vance George Reed, Darryl Mehring, Selma Sweben, and Lew Dunlap with Host James Terrell.
Music: Cris Seaborn

Dreams, the Spiritual Journey

Host Jay Lindsay discusess author Diana Keck's book, Dreams, the Spiritual Journey, with the author.
Music: Enoch & the Sethites


Hosts Terry Kruger & James Terrell interview guests Stan Hartman--counselor, Kristen Maaherra--PET instructor, and Judy Sims-Barlow
Music: Star Edwards

The Urantia Book II

Host:James Terrell interviews readers of The Urantia Book Andre Radatus, Carol Hay, Terry Kruger and JoAnn Brummett
Music: Cris Seaborn & Julio Edwards


Host:Terry Kruger interviews guests John Stevens--reader of the Urantia Book, Clark Echols--Swedenborgian, and Eric Kalland--American Baptist Minister
Music: Universe Crew

Creative Evolution

Host James Terrell discusses evolution from a spiritual point of view with guests Dick Delaney--American Baptist, Jim Kenney--Geologist, and Bonnie Stump--Biologist.
Music: Cris Seaborn

Medicide: Doctor Assisted Suicide

Host Mel Taylor interviews guests Andre Radatus--reader of The Urantia Book, and Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Co-Dependent Religion

Hosts Andre Radatus & Star Edwards interview guests Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association, and Dr. Thomas Raney Watson
Music: Universe Crew


Hosts Terry Kruger & Merritt Horn discuss channeling with guests Sara Kennedy, Fred Chard and Vance George Reed
Music: Universe Crew

Huston Smith, His Thoughts

Host Jay Lindsay and co-hosts: Laura and Drew Lindsay interview author Huston Smith on his thoughts.
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Sexual Ethics for Singles

Host Reverend Mel Taylor and American Baptist guests Rob Manzinger and Jennifer Baker discuss sexual ethics for singles in the church.
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Spiritual Healing

Host James Terrell interviews guests Karl Kopp--Unitarian Universalist, Dan Sparkman--American Baptist, and Damarias Caldwell--Nurse
Music: Kent Richardson

Tension in the Church

Host Mel Taylor interviews guests Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association and Dr. Bob Garcia--American Baptist
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Racism in the Pew?

Host Mel Taylor and guests Dr. Acen Phillips--Baptist and Vance George Reed--Humanist discuss whether racism still exists in the church.
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Soul Growth

Host:Andre Radatus interviews guests Jill Hull--reader of The Urantia Book, Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist, and Denver Pearson--reader of The Urantia Book
Music: Star Edwards

Religion and the Law

Hosts Terry Kruger and Steve McIntosh interview guests Darrold Killmore--attorney, Linda Cawley--attorney, and James Joy--ACLU director.
Music: Michael Riversong

Death and the Grieving Process

Host Jay Lindsay discusses the grieving process with guests Diane Spearly--Interfaith Chaplain and Valerie Sanford--The Naropa Institute,
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

School Prayer

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guests Craig Bowman--Denver Post, Duane Troxel--Baha'i, Dr. Bill Scheeley--American Baptist
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Kids and Religion

Host Terry Kruger interviews guests: Lisa Ehly, Sara Wolking, Amanda Dills and David Brummett.
Music: Universe Crew

Sikh Dharma, Religious Science and

Host James Terrell discusses the commonalities of three diverse belief systems with guests Kir Pal Singh (Sikh), Vance George Reed (Humanist) and Marilyn Earhart (Science of Mind)
Music: Cris Seaborn

Concepts of the Supreme Being

Readers of the Urantia Book discuss the Supreme Being concept. Host Terry Kruger and guests Tim Hobbs, Andre Radatus and Annette Crawford.
Music: Universe Crew

Unity Church, the Baha'i Faith and Unitarian Universalism

Host James Terrell discusses the commonalities of three diverse belief systems with guests Irene Cooksey (Unity Church), John Ashenhurst (Unitarian Universalist) and Richard Chamberlain (The Baha'i Faith)
Music: Cris Seaborn

Retrospective of the First 100 Shows

Host Mel Taylor explores the first 100 Spiritual Spectrum shows with producer-creator Julio Edwards and guests Dr. Reo Leslie.
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

Religious Rituals

Host James Terrell interviews guests Vance George Reed--American Humanist Association, Andre Radatus--reader of the Urantia Book, and Sarvadrik--ISKCON about rituals in religion.
Music: Gary Brudos

The Experience of Spirituality

Host Jay Lindsay interviews guests: Eliria Harris--Communitarian, Steve Rohrbach--Interfaith Organizer, Darrell Harr--Science of Spirituality and
Paul Burke--Interfaith Coordinator
Music: Enoch & the Sethites

One World Global Government

Hosts James Terrell & Terry Kruger discuss a far future spiritual government (not George Herbert Walker Bush's One World Political Government) with Urantia Book readers Paula Thompson, Jorgan Andrews and Andre Radatus.
Music: Universe Crew

Metaphysical Aesthetics

Host Shoshone interviews guests: Steven Ownbey--artist, David Taylor--dancer and Lorcan--sound creator
Music: Universe Crew

John Mason Peck: Forgotten Baptist

The theatrical story of John Mason Peck, featuring Bill Scheeley as John Mason Peck
Narration: Vicki Smith
Music: Star Edwards

The Struggle for Religious Change

Hosts Bill Scheeley & Jo Roll interview guests Peggy Quinn--Anam Chara, Laksmipriya--ISKCON, and Patricia Vestal--Spiritual director
Music: Star Edwards


© 2016 Enoch Productions, Denver, Colorado USA

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