![]() Spiritual Spectrum TV Series began in the fall of 1986 as an outgrowth of a small group's spiritual vision. Our interest in the format of television as a dynamic medium grew in proportion to our desire to give voice to the minority belief systems of our Colorado community. Our dreams of exploring and sharing the inner journey have helped forge a spiritual bond throughout much of our unique religious community.
![]() The phenomenal thrust of Spiritual Spectrum remains its
forward-looking attitude of promoting genuine dialogue leading to long
term friendships between members of many diverse groups. There have
been hundreds of panelists on the series ranging from doctors, school
teachers, counselors, artists, lawyers, healers, ministers, and everyday
citizens. We have learned that each person's spiritual experience is
an important building block in the fabric of humankind. Reaching across
ecclesiastical barriers has enhanced the lives of those who have graced
Spiritual Spectrum's panels, allowing us to look beyond the boundaries
of our own beliefs, ever broadening our outlook with a new depth of
spirit. ![]()
Spiritual Spectrum's mission is to:![]()
![]() Through the process of sharing, we as a society can overcome our fears and prejudices of those who are different. Spiritual Spectrum seeks to hold a mirror up to each of us and our institutions, and to look upon the aspects of selfhood and self-respect which we all share in common. It is through this process that we as a species can expand our awareness in order to meet the challenges of a world growing closer every day. Together we can strengthen the deepest ties which we as a people experience. With true acceptance and dignity we can explore and venerate the many faces of our spiritual lives. Today with foresight we must unlock the vision for future generations by developing the harmony required to sustain us all in the coming age. Spiritual Spectrum's commitment to the future continues to be a positive force in carrying forth a vision of a unified people expressing their spiritual values through their diverse cultures, religions, and belief systems.
Spiritual Spectrum Online Video Gallery
© 2014 Enoch Productions, Denver, Colorado USA